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So, over the weekend, my son decided to make some french fries for the first time. Needless to say, he isn't allowed to cook in MY kitchen again. I have told him a million times, don't put tooooooo much oil in the skillet. Don't turn the flame up all the way. I have even explained why for both reasons. Well, I should have said something about the skillet size as well. He did have grease in the very small skillet. He did have the flame up too high. The flame caught the grease which sent flames and smoke everywhere in the kitchen. The cabinet next to the stove got singed. My curtain (lace no doubt), the blind and the curtain rod got hit with the flames. Curtain: GONE. Rod: there but smoke damage. Blinds: top got burned and started melting. REALLLY child!? He had to do the cleaning up. I did the detail cleaning. At least he didn't get hurt and everyone including our animals are ok. Boy, that was fracking freakish as hell.

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It's been a minute since I have been on my website. I have been working really hard on the Asian Collection Series of the TS3 store items I converted for TS4. I was hoping to get the Part 2 completed by Friday and uploaded here and at MTS on the same day, but life happens. Had issues with the laptop and thought that I would lose everything. My tumblr feed has more information on that. Then, my 21 year old, decided to make dinner for himself and he almost burned the kitchen down. (okay major exaggeration...almost) He did burn my lace curtain down and the top coat on the cabinet by the's singed. There is smoke damage on the walls an the ceiling. The kitchen has been an awful mess. We cleaned up what we could that night. Needless to say, he not allowed to cook for a very long time in MY kitchen! So, lesson learned for him...I still have to finish cleaning the kitchen though.

I noticed while checking things out on the web, when I came across my website, there were some minor issues, i.e. some box categories were not the correct size, words were moved, and a couple of misspellings here and there. Those have been done.

All of the Asian Series will be on the TS4 download page under the Sets category-which is located at the very bottom of the page. You can get there very easily by looking at the right hand of page you will see a mini menu. At the end of the menu, is the link to go to the Sets category. That link will cause the window to scroll, rather quickly I might add, to that category. When you click on the picture of the set you want to look at, the website takes you to that particular sets information page. All of the items in just that set will be displayed with their swatches/variations. I have been and am still trying to make this website very user friendly. If you have any problems with anything, let me know.

I am hoping to take a break from the series for about a week to work on some tutorials that are very, very needed. So be looking for those within three to four weeks.


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Well, it is kind of up and running. I have the bones completed for most of the pages. I do have a few pages finished. I am still debating on whether to publish this thing or not.

As for custom content, I do have a partial set complete and working on a mesh. I have arthritis so painting certain items of a mesh by hand is killing me softly to where I need to take a lot of breaks. It is really taking me longer than I expected.

I do hope to get things going and on the ball soon.

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